Mike Diggins wrote:

I noticed that when BIND 9.2.4 on Redhat Linux (Intel x86) starts, the log records:

dns1 named[28513]: starting BIND 9.2.4 -u named -t /var/named/chroot
dns1 named[28513]: using 2 CPUs

When I start BIND on my Solaris 10 SPARC dual CPU (V210) system 9.4.2-P2,
I don't get the message "using 2 CPUs", but that's what I want. I
The message format changed slightly in BIND 9.4.2-p2, from bin/named/main.c:

        if (ns_g_cpus == 0)
                ns_g_cpus = ns_g_cpus_detected;
        isc_log_write(ns_g_lctx, NS_LOGCATEGORY_GENERAL, NS_LOGMODULE_SERVER,
                      ISC_LOG_INFO, "found %u CPU%s, using %u worker thread%s",
                      ns_g_cpus_detected, ns_g_cpus_detected == 1 ? "" : "s",
                      ns_g_cpus, ns_g_cpus == 1 ? "" : "s");
        ns_g_cpus = 1;

compiled it with './configure --prefix=/usr/local/bind --enable-threads'
Take a look at the config.log output to check that threading is indeed enabled, it should be by default anyhow on Solaris 10 system.
and start it with '/usr/local/bind/sbin/named -n 2 -c /etc/named.conf'.
How do I know it's actually using the two SPARC CPUs?
Use "/usr/bin/ps -Lp `pgrep named`" will show you the number of light-weight-processes (LWP), threads, running for the named process. Incidently the '-n' option shouldn't be necessary, named can detect the number of CPU's on Solaris.





Mike Diggins                   Voice:  905.525.9140 Ext. 27471
Network Analyst, Enterprise Networks    FAX:    905.522.0511
University Technology Services         E-Mail: mike.digg...@mcmaster.ca
McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario

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