he LISA '09 organizers invite you to contribute refereed papers and
proposals for invited talks and workshops. We're also looking for any
ideas you have for Guru Is In sessions, Work-in-Progress Reports,
posters, and training sessions.

The theme for LISA '09 is "Putting Theory into Practice."

The Call for Participation with submission guidelines and sample topics
can be found on the USENIX Web site at:


Since 1987, the annual LISA conference has become the premier meeting
place for professional system and network administrators. System
administrators of all ranks, from novice to veteran, and of all
specialties meet to exchange ideas, sharpen skills, learn new
techniques, debate current issues, and mingle with colleagues and

The conference's diverse group of participants is matched by an equally
broad spectrum of activities:

* A training program for both beginners and experienced attendees covers
many administrative topics, ranging from basic administrative procedures
to using cutting-edge technologies.

* Refereed papers present the latest developments and ideas related to
system and network administration.

* Workshops, invited talks, and panels discuss important and timely
topics in depth and typically include lively and/or controversial
debates and audience interaction.

* Work-in-Progress Reports (WiPs) and poster sessions provide brief
looks ahead to next year's innovations.

* Submit a paper.
* Propose a tutorial topic.
* Suggest an invited talk or panel discussion.
* Share your experience by leading a Guru Is In session.
* Create and lead a workshop.
* Present a Work-in-Progress Report (WiP) or submit a poster.
* Organize a Birds-of-a-Feather (BoF) session.
* Email an idea to the program chair: lisa09id...@usenix.org

We look forward to hearing from you!

On behalf of the LISA '09 Organizers,

Adam Moskowitz, SiCortex, Inc.
LISA '09 Program Chair
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