While I have no experience with the performance of lbnamed, I have heard
that the resolving name servers used by OpenDNS run a name server
program written in Perl. (I forget the name of the package.)

Performance is a problem that can be overcome with optimizations and by
throwing more hardware at the problem.

Chris Buxton
Men & Mice

On Fri, 2008-12-05 at 13:54 +0800, Ken DBA wrote:
> --- On Fri, 12/5/08, Chris Buxton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > 
> > An example that you may find useful as a starting point is
> > lbnamed. It's
> > old and probably has some bugs in its protocol handling,
> > but it does
> > something along the lines that you're looking for.
> > 
> Thanks for the info.
> I have checked the lbnamed. All my feel unsure is, how about its performance? 
> Since it's written by Perl, not a compiled program.Has anyone used it in 
> production environment? Thanks.
> Ken.

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