At Wed, 19 Nov 2008 11:59:20 -0500,
Jeff Wieland <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> 1.  Does change 2469 - "solaris: Work around Solaris's select() limitations.
> [RT #18769]"  address the same problem as change 2406 in 9.3.5-P2 - "Some
> operating systems have FD_SETSIZE set to a low value by default...
> [RT #18328]"?

Partially, yes.

> If not, what happened to RT #18328?

#18328 is a workaround specific to the intermediate P2 versions.  An
equivalent patch is incorporated to release versions such as 9.3.6 as
CHANGE 2411:

2411.   [bug]           Allow using a larger number of sockets than FD_SETSIZE
                        for select().  To enable this, set ISC_SOCKET_MAXSOCKETS
                        at compilation time.  [RT #18433]

and CHANGE 2421 makes ISC_SOCKET_MAXSOCKETS even unnecessary knob:

2421.   [func]          Add new command line option '-S' for named to specify
                        the max number of sockets. [RT #18493]
                        Use caution: this option may not work for some
                        operating systems without rebuilding named.

"Some operating system" actually means Solaris here.  CHANGE 2469
addresses this problem.

Note also that release versions on Solaris use /dev/poll instead of
select() by default, so none of these changes matter anyway.

JINMEI, Tatuya
Internet Systems Consortium, Inc.
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