On Tue, Mar 16, 2010 at 11:47 AM, jbl <jbl...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I am reading a directory and creating an array of .png file names. I
> know for a fact that there are 1025 png files in the folder
> With $count = @files I get 1027
> With $last = $#files I get 1026
> $files [0] = .
> $files[1] = ..
> I have heard of being one off by not taking into account the
> difference in number of elements and the index of the last element but
> why am I 2 off?? As far as the dots in elements 0 & 1, I am sure that
> that is something to do with the path, but what??

As others said, '.' is the link to the current directory and '..' is
the link to the parent directory.

Now, as for why they're showing up in your list...

> my @files = grep !/^\.png/, readdir FILENAMES;

This means "give me everything that doesn't start with '.png'." In
addition to '.', it will grab jpegs, tiffs, and anything else in the
directory that doesn't have a filename beginning with '.png'.  You
probably want:

    /\.png/     # everything that contains '.png', or
    /\.png$/    # everything that ends with '.png'


-- j
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