bu...@alejandro.ceballos.info wrote:
I am trying to read the values of all the parameters received in a CGI.
But even using a Data::Dumper::Simple module, only the names of the
params are displayed, not the name/value relation of each one.
use Data::Dumper::Simple;
use CGI;
print Dumper(\...@param);
any idea what I am doing wrong? I tryied with Data::Dumper::Names and
same result.
Where is @param defined? Is this a snippet or the whole thing? Do you
have strict and warnings turned on?
my @param = CGI->new->param;
> at the last post, it is
> print Dumper(param);
> (without the @)
Did you switch your 'use' statement to import 'param'? See "USING THE
FUNCTION-ORIENTED INTERFACE" section of the documentation.
Brian J. Miller
End Point Corp.
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