Greg Jetter wrote:

> You are trying to use a local scoped var as a global , line 93 
> is
> used  out of its scope ,
> if ( $user[5] =~ /^([...@\w.]+)$/ ) {
> $user[5] = $1;
> eval {
> my $GoodMail = Email::Valid->address( -address => "$user[5]", -
mxcheck =>
> 1);
> return;
> }
> #push @errors, "<p>Error: Double check your email address</p>" if 
> $user[5] = $GoodMail;
>              }
> it should read
> if ( $user[5] =~ /^([...@\w.]+)$/ ) {
>                 my $GoodMail ;
> $user[5] = $1;
> eval {
> $GoodMail = Email::Valid->address( -address => "$user[5]", -mxcheck 
=> 1);
> return;
> }
> #push @errors, "<p>Error: Double check your email address</p>" if 
> $user[5] = $GoodMail;
>              }
> or even declare it  up with the other globals  if you want , but the 
> you
> have it  now it is out of scope after that eval { } block completes.
> there may be other errors , fix that one first and try it again  and 
> what else pops up.
> have fun
> Greg

Ok I fixed that issue, can't even remember why I tried to declare it 
in the eval block I guess that is what I get for writing code while 
half asleep.  The only other change that I made was I uncommitted out 
the "push @errors, "<p>Error: Double check your email address</p>" if 
$@;" line and here is the new error I get

[Mon Dec  7 22:24:30 2009] register.cgi: Illegal character in 
prototype for main::form_verify : @user at register.cgi line 43.
[Mon Dec  7 22:24:30 2009] register.cgi: main::form_verify() called 
too early to check prototype at register.cgi line 36.
Content-type: text/html

<h1>Software error:</h1>
<pre>syntax error at register.cgi line 93, near &quot;push&quot;
register.cgi had compilation errors.
For help, please send mail to this site's webmaster, giving this error 
and the time and date of the error.

[Mon Dec  7 22:24:30 2009] register.cgi: syntax error at register.cgi 
line 93, near "push"
[Mon Dec  7 22:24:30 2009] register.cgi: register.cgi had compilation 

There is something about this push statement that Perl doesn't like, 
the only thing I can think of is the if $@ part.

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