Dermot Paikkos wrote:
If there is a request for a page that has mixed content EG: 'text/html' and 'image/jpeg', the image media is not being displayed correctly under the FireFox browser.

What exactly do you mean by that? When you use a browser to request a usual HTML page with IMG elements, there are multiple subsequent request/response pairs, one for each image. Could you post the source code of a page that behaves as you say?

The way things currently work is that media other than text/html is output from a separate page, so you might have a bit of html that for an image that looks like this:

<img src="/images/showImage.html?imageid=123456" alt="" />

Within showImage.html you have a 1) a piece of code that supposedly sets the content_type to image/jpeg, and 2) calls to a function that literally prints the image based on is CGI param 'imageid'.

As long as the images are accessible from the web, I do not see why you would need to use a separate script like that.

In my experiments, IE is correctly identifying the media and Firefox is not. However I think FF is expecting the content_type to be sent with the media and IE is guess* based upon the media it receives.

What if you simply try to view an image with FF directly?

If that's not displayed as expected, there may be something with the configuration of your FF browser.

Gunnar Hjalmarsson

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