J Alejandro Ceballos Z wrote:
Gunnar Hjalmarsson wrote:
J Alejandro Ceballos Z wrote:
I am trying to store a file in the temp directory.
It creates the desired file, but with size 0.
The files are videos sent via CGI. I tried with the upload function,
but it did not work too.
Would you please give me some direction about what I am doing wrong or
what should I do in order to make it work?
I suggest that you try the CGI::UploadEasy module.
As I understand, the code must be overwritten like:
#!/usr/bin/perl -T
use CGI::UploadEasy;
use CGI;
That line is redundant, since CGI::UploadEasy loads CGI.pm.
use strict;
use warnings;
# create and load data
my $ue = CGI::UploadEasy->new(-uploaddir => '~/tmp');
At this point, you ought to have the file in your tmp directory with
*basically* its original name. A safe way to find out the exact name
it's saved as would be:
my $file_file;
my $info = $ue->fileinfo;
for my $file ( keys %$info ) {
if ( $info->{$file}{ctrlname} eq 'sbvideo_file' ) {
$file_file = $file;
my $file_file = $cgi_this->param('sbvideo_file') || 0;
You did not create a $cgi_this object. OTOH, grabbing the file name from
param() is not safe, since CGI::UploadEasy may have altered the name
# retrieve original name and change it
Missing declarations:
my ($str_filename, $str_fileext);
if ($file_file =~ /(.+)\.(\w+)$/)
{ ($str_filename,$str_fileext) = ($1,$2); }
$str_filename = $$ . '.'. $str_fileext;
# STORE???
# is this line Ok? To assign directly the file to that address?
$ue->fileinfo = $file_file;
No. That would replace the fileinfo object with just the file name.
Doing so makes no sense to me.
#Now. How I change the name of the stored file to the new one of
Use the rename() function. http://perldoc.perl.org/functions/rename.html
I need to validate some data from the parameter, and change other, like
the name of the file, that is why I use CGI and CGI::UploadEasy,
There is some example? Not only the CPAN documentation in order to check
Well, as the docs say, the names of the other parameters besides the
filename can be grabbed via $ue->otherparam, and CGI.pm's param() is the
way to get the values.
Gunnar Hjalmarsson
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