"Mike Williams" wrote:

>> > Hello,
>> >
>> >     i need to know the reasons for this error "Premature end of script
>> > headers" i checked with my http header content-type:text/html ,but i
>> > had not solved yet..
> Often this happens when some error occurs in your code before you output
> the headers.
> Try putting this near the top of your script:
> use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser);
> this will redirect fatal errors to the browser window - see perldoc
> CGI::Carp for more info.
> If neither this nor Sean's suggestion helps post your code so we can take
> a look.
> Mike

I also had this problem the other day the web browser said that there was a 
"Premature end of script headers" but the Apache log said that it was a problem 
with permissions.  Checking my script shows that I forgot to make it 
executable.  It might be worth checking the obvious and see if you have a 
similar problem.

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