On Sun, 24 Aug 2008, Lars Haugseth wrote:

=>* [EMAIL PROTECTED] (David Dorward) wrote:
=>> JuneEarth wrote:
=>> > How to make CGI sessions to be shared among multi-webservers? Thanks.
=>> They have to use a shared data store for the session information. Using
=>> a database for that would be one approach.
=>Another solution, which is not really what the OP was asking about, but
=>probably fixes his problem, is to ensure that each request from the same
=>client will always be sent to the same webserver (based on a hashing of
=>the client's IP address, for example.)
Unfortunately using "sticky sessions" puts a site in the categories of 
"Does not scale", "Unreliable", and "We have many frustrated users".  

David's earlier response for a shared data store for session information 
(via database).  

Search for "distributed sessions" on your favorite search engine.
                                - Dwalu
I am an important person in this world -
Now is the most important time in my life -
My mistakes are my best teachers -
So I will be fearless.
                                - Student Creed

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