Curtis Poe wrote:
Oops! Sent this direct instead of to the list :(
--- Maximilian Ronniger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
$out=> $data,
As Brett pointed out, this line is in error. Try this:
$out->p( $data );
Also, your read_document sub has a slight problem:
return $data;
close SOURCE;
This should read:
close SOURCE;
return $data;
Otherwise, you return from the function without closing SOURCE.
In the event that you are working on a Windows system, you might want to get in
the habit of using
this before you read from the SOURCE filehandle:
binmode SOURCE;
Windows has the annoying habit of trying to convert line endings for you. By
'binmode', you ensure that it reads data exactly as you intended it. It has no
effect on Perl
programs written for other operating systems, so it's a safe thing to throw in
to make your
program more portable. Here's the new function:
sub read_document {
local $/;
open(SOURCE, "<$docoment")|| die "Could not open file!!\n";
binmode SOURCE;
$data = <SOURCE>;
close SOURCE;
return $data;
Curtis Poe
Senior Programmer
Onsite! Technology (
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Yes I think he is right
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