On Saturday March 15 2008 12:57 am, Pau Marc Munoz Torres wrote:
> Hi everybody
>  i got a program that works in a bash environment, and now, i would like to
> make a cgi with it, the objective for this program is check the integrity
> of the info provided by some text files and if it finds some error ask you
> for some info and i would like to be able to introduce it.
> To solve it i was thinking on introduce a javascript code into my cgi, but
> i don't know how to pass the variable info between perl and javascript.
> could any of you tell me how to do it or give me any idea or give me a
> solution of how do it?
> thanks
> pau
> --
> Pau Marc Muñoz Torres
> Laboratori de Biologia Computacional
> Institut de  Biotecnologia   i Biomedicina Vicent
> Villar
> Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona
> E-08193 Bellaterra (Barcelona)
> telèfon: 93 5812807
you could try and use AJAX to access a  perl script via the CGI then have  
that script return a JSON formatted string to the caller  java script then  
evaluate  that string  as a javascript code sniplet.


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