
I've a perl script that I'm working on to get a list of options from a
database presented to a user in a form.  I can do the db query fine
and store the variables in an array, but I can't workout how to get
the array printed as a list of items in a menu.

The script is....

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use CGI;
use CGI::Apache;
use DBI;

### Initialise a new CGI object
my $q   = new CGI;

## Define the database connectin
my $user = "xxxx";
my $dbh  = DBI ->
$user,'xxxxx') || exit;

## Grab the datasets that are available by querying the
## 'studies' table
my $statement = 'SELECT study FROM studies';
my $query     = $dbh   -> prepare($statement);
$query -> execute();
my @studies = $query   -> fetchrow_array;

## Print the web-page
print $q -> header,
      $q -> start_html(-title => "gDRAW - Genotype Database, R &
Analysis Web-interface", -style => {-src => "/css/gdraw1.css"}), "\n",
      $q -> h1("Existing Data"), "\n",
      $q -> p("You can select cohorts, markers and phenotypes to load
from below"), "\n",

## Start the form
      $q -> start_form(-action => "", -method => "post", -

## Have a pull-down box for selecting the studies that the
## user can access
      $q -> popup_menu(-name => 'study_select', -values =>

## End the form
      $q -> endform,
      $q -> end_html;


The section that I'm having trouble with is...

## Have a pull-down box for selecting the studies that the
## user can access
      $q -> popup_menu(-name => 'study_select', -values =>

@studies is of length 2, but only one of these gets listed in the menu
that is generated.

Can anyone suggest how I go about using an array as a list of values
(and labels) in a popup_menu()?

Thanks for taking the time to look at this problem,


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