zentara wrote:
On Mon, 29 Jan 2007 20:58:35 -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Robert Hicks)
I am using CGI::Application along with MIME::Lite to send emails. I have
a form with several fields. However, 1 field is not coming through and
it is a numeric field. It is the only one.
This is my run mode:
my $party_size = $results->valid('partysize'); # NOT COMING THROUGH
my form:
<label for="partysize">[% err_partysize %]Party Size:</label>
<input type="text" id="partysize" name="partysize" /><br />
I get everything BUT the "partysize" one.
I would guess its a problem in your valid() sub. You say the input type
is text, yet it is numeric. Maybe the valid() sub is detecting that?
Ah, I was passing into a <pre> tag and once I changed it to a <p> tag it
wrapped the way I wanted. I am only sending this to the owner of the
site so I can pretty it up a bit. : )
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