I am copying/moving files from an FTP folder to other folders on server. The script reads the files and copy/move to separate folders etc. No problem till this point.
Now the problem is that users are constantly uploading files to this folder using FTP client. The script is invoked using cron after every 10-15 mins, now what will be the fate of the files that are in the upload process when the script is invoked? Yes, these files are copied and moved what was uploaded till that point, means corrupt files. How I can avoid it? that script should leave those files which are being uploaded at the time it was invoked. ######### Start of Subroutine ############# sub copy_files { use File::Copy; while (glob ("*.mp3")) { copy("home/uploads/$_", "home/backup/$_"); move("home/uploads/$_", "home/music/$_"); } } ###################################### Thanks, Sara.