Quoting David Dorward <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

On Mon, Sep 25, 2006 at 10:53:15AM -0400, Shawn Hinchy wrote:
Everything works fine in Mozilla/Firefox but when I try to use IE 6,
it doesn't seem to call the script when the submit button is pressed,
kind of like it knows it is already loaded and just reloads it from
cache.  Is this possible?  How do I overcome it?

The script acts differently whether it is called with no parameters or
whether it is called after the submit button press and has parameters
(action=validate, etc).

I'd /guess/ that you have something like <button type="submit"
name="foo" value="baz">Bar</button>, and you are testing for
$q->param('foo') eq 'baz' and falling over IE's problem of sending
"Bar" as the value.

... but you haven't provided anywhere near enough information about
the problem to say for sure. Real URL? HTML? Perl?

David Dorward                                      http://dorward.me.uk

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Hi David,

That looks like it could be the culprit. I can only wonder what it would send if I had a custom button there instead of text? I will look at it when I get home and let you know if that is the answer, but that makes perfect sense now that I know IE behaves that way. I was trying to get an intelligent 'action' from the script while providing the user with the standard 'submit' type button. I suppose a hidden field would also do the same thing but with a different parameter name.



Shawn Michael Hinchy

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