I am having a problem with popup-menus. Basically I have an application which first displays my popups with a default value of 'null' on the first page. I then save these to a hidden field. On a later page I call the same routine with values I have retrieved from a database and display the values. All values in the popup fields display correctly - except for the last popup encountered in the loop. That value is displayed as 'null'. I have checked the values from the database that are fed to that popup menu - - they are correct. The popup is given a value which is not null. I have eliminated the last popup field from the array which is fed to the loop. What happens is that the new last popup displays 'null'.
Any ideas as to what is going on? Here is the offending loop. And yes, in order to get this to display properly I set override to 1 and set both the value and the default to be what I wish to display. The popups were initialized with a default of 'null', but it is only the last one through the loop which displays 'null' when it has properly been given a non null value. Maybe this is a CGI.pm bug???? foreach $rowCount (0..(@rptEntityValuesArray + $MaxNumberRepeats - 1)){ if ($rowCount < @rptEntityValuesArray){ @rptEntityValues = @{$rptEntityValuesArray[$rowCount]}; } else { @rptEntityValues = (); } @tdArgs = (); foreach $fieldCount (0..$columnCount - 1){ $fieldValue = ($IsNewRecord or [EMAIL PROTECTED]) ? q{} : $rptEntityValues[$fieldCount]; if (!$fieldValue) {$fieldValue = q{}}; $fieldName = $fieldNames[$fieldCount].$rowCount; $fieldType = $fieldTypes[$fieldCount]; if ($fieldType eq 'TF') { push(@tdArgs, td(textfield(-name=>$fieldName, -default=>$fieldValue, -value=>$fieldValue, -size=> $fieldSizes [$fieldCount], -override=>1))); } if ($fieldType eq 'PP'){ @fieldList = split ',', $fieldListValues [$fieldCount]; if (!$fieldValue) { $fieldValue = 'null'; } push(@tdArgs, td(popup_menu(-name=>$fieldName, -values => [EMAIL PROTECTED], -default => $fieldValue, -override=>1))); } if ($fieldType eq "TA") { push(@tdArgs, td(textarea(-name=>$fieldName, -value=>$fieldValue, -default=>$fieldValue, -rows => $fieldRows [$fieldCount], -columns => $fieldColumns [$fieldCount], -override=>1))); } } $row = TR(@tdArgs); push @rows, $row; } print table (@rows); Thanks Mary Anderson -- To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] <http://learn.perl.org/> <http://learn.perl.org/first-response>