Hi.  I have some perl script attached that does not
return anything when I click the link "see what others
have to say".  When the link is clicked, from the html
page, the cgi page is generated, without any data
posted to it, and therefore, the last part of the cgi
script is executed, where post is false.  I'm
fairly certain something is wrong with the last
subroutine in my cgi script (that applies to post
being false), since everything else appears to work. 
Can you see anything wrong with it that explains why
it returns a blank screen?  I'm really new at writing
perl scripts, so its nothing fancy, just practice from
a book exercise.  I am attaching the html file to in
case that is helpful to try it.  I don't really need
another version that works, as I have already written
another way that works, but I'm just curious why this
one failed.

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