You seem to be missing a quotation mark after $login. It looks like you
have got yourself caught in a loop because you call one script from
another without exiting the first one, so the first script becomes the
location you are in. Try printing your location when you enter each
script to see where you are. You may be able to improve the navigation
with -href=>"./ etc. or -href=>"../ etc.

-----Original Message-----
From: Mary Anderson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, July 19, 2006 10:28 AM
Subject: Hyperlink return

Hello all,

    I would like some help on hyperlinks.  I have two files
and which have hyperlinks to each other.  I do

      print a({ -href=>"$login }, "Edit Record");

      print a({ -href=>"$login }, "New Record");

In navigating the application I hit "Edit Record" and reach the EditLab
script with no problem.  Coming back doesn't work.  The bar at the top
the window informs me that I am trying to go to 


What I am trying to do, of course, is to Edit a record using the code in
Edit record and then to allow the user the option of entering a new
The application is a bit complex -- each of these files has 1500 to 2000
lines of code.

While I am at it, how does redirect work?  I do print redirct({-location
mynewlocation}) and just get a message with a code and the information
the url is relocating.  


Mary Anderson

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