Thanks for your help. I solved the problem of the error message "Insecure
$ENV{...} ...".
Now, another question, In my html form after the insertion of data a cgi
perl save them in a file and open a new html page, from which I want to
have the possibility to go back to the form html page, but with all the
field black.
In other terms, after the insertion of the data and the confirmation
message displayed on a new html page, I wish to return from this page to
my form an to insert new data. So I need a black form.
If I specify
<INPUT type="button" value="Insert new" onClick="insertData()">
where the function "insertData()" calls the form html page, I get the
following error message like this
"Unable to find insertion_form.html"
The permission for the access to the directory of the htdocs are ok.
Therefore, why this error?
To avoid this troble my idea was to compose the functions history.back()
and Reset(), but I do not know in which way to do it. For example if I write
<INPUT type="button" value="Insert new" onClick="history.back();Reset()">
I do not obtain what I want.
Have you any idea about how to solve this problem?
Thanks a lot in advance,
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