I'm looking for a method to redirect the url of browser to elsewhere. What i do was check the documentation of CGI.pm: "Sometimes you don't want to produce a document yourself, but simply redirect the browser elsewhere, perhaps choosing a URL based on the time of day or the identity of the user. The redirect() function redirects the browser to a different URL. If you use redirection like this, you should not print out a header as well. You should always use full URLs (including the http: or ftp: part) in redirection requests. Relative URLs will not work correctly." Well, then i produced a code like this: #!/usr/bin/perl use CGI qw/:standard/; print "Content-type: text/html\n\n"; print redirect('http://www.yahoo.com'); But didn't work. Why? I always get this msg on browser: Status: 302 Moved Location: http://www.yahoo.com How i do it? Thanks Augusto Morais --------------------------------- Yahoo! Messenger com voz - Instale agora e faça ligações de graça.