I'm not a windows person, but you could try something simple like looking at
the task manager.  What does your task manager show as the process at the
time that this is happening?  Is there a process that shows 100% CPU during
that time?


On 3/7/06 5:23 PM, "Mary Anderson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi All,
>    I have an 800 line ActivePerl cgi script which I am running under
> WindowsXP, IIS.  It connects to a MySQL database, which does not seem to be
> the problem.  I enter data, send it to a review screen, then save it to the
> database.  The first few records enter with no problem - screens come up
> filled with the information right away.  However, as my session continutes,
> the performance degrades dramatically.  The application will switch to the
> new page, tell me it is fetching data from the local host, and take a
> minute or more to complete the screen.  I don't know what is going on -- I
> don't think it is the time used to interpret the code because the first few
> records are processed in a reasonable amount of time.
>     I would try using mod_perl, but that is an Apache piece of software.
> Mary Anderson

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