Hi Christian,

"Christian Stalp" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> i try to create a table with HTML:Template
> for this I fill a array with hashes:
> while ( $zeile = $result->fetchrow_arrayref ) {
>  $uebergabe{ name => $row->[0], link => $row->[1] };
>  push ( @suchprofile, \%uebergabe );
> }
> But I got nothing but an empty table. What is wrong?

try adding the following to the top of your script:

  use strict;
  use warnings;

The uninitialized variable warnings that you see will alert you that, in 
your while statement, you assigned each row's hash reference to a 
variable named $zeile, but then attempted to retrieve the values from a 
hashref named $row.

  while ( my $row = $result->fetchrow_arrayref ) {
    $uebergabe{ name => $row->[0], link => $row->[1] };
    push ( @suchprofile, \%uebergabe );

should work much better for you.



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