On Wed, 14 Dec 2005, Adedayo Adeyeye wrote:

> Please can someone please help me with a script that can basically do two
> things:
> 1.    check that a file was created today
> 2.    backup that file to a remote server
> This is to be done on a windows platform. I'll schedule this script to run
> at the end of everyday.

Sounds like an interesting project.

How much have you budgeted to pay someone to do this for you?

If you want something for free, you're going to have show us the code 
you have already tried. I didn't notice any in your email. Maybe I 
wasn't looking hard enough.

Demonstrate that you're trying to solve this yourself, and we will be 
happy answering any questions that come up as you're learning.

Starting points: <http://learn.perl.org/>, O'Reilly books, Google.com.

Chris Devers

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