Adriano Allora wrote:
`sort tagged_files/* | uniq > word+tag.txt`;
All files in tagged_files/* are unique. This looks like a lot of make
work. Try File::Find instead. See `perldoc File::Find`.
open(IDX, "<word+tag.txt");
next if /^\W.+/;
open(TMP, ">indexes/$_.txt");
$where = `grep -L '$_' tagged_files/*`;
This says you are looking for the file _NOT_ in the files' content.
Perhaps you want '-l' instead? See `man grep`.
print TMP $where;
someone would tell me why the line with grep does not work?
Is this the fastest way?
Considering the amount of work this does outside of Perl, no. A shell
script would be faster. (But, of course, anything written in Perl is
automatically better than everything else ;)
Just my 0.00000002 million dollars worth,
--- Shawn
"Probability is now one. Any problems that are left are your own."
SS Heart of Gold, _The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy_
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