"Charles K. Clarkson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED] To .net> <beginners-cgi@perl.org> cc 10/20/2005 07:35 PM Subject RE: implementing links on a system command output
[EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: : ok here is what I am trying to do. In the atached doc it shows : output from my perl cgi program ... You sent this as a MS Word document. When I open it, Word converts it to a word web view and when I view the code I get a Word trashed html file listing. Can you send this as a raw text file instead? The Word format is pretty useless. <excerpt> <html xmlns:v="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml" xmlns:o="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" xmlns:w="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:word" xmlns:st1="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40"> <head> <meta http-equiv=Content-Type content="text/html; charset=windows-1252"> <link rel=Original-File href="file:///FOOBAR%20on%20links.doc"> <meta name=ProgId content=Word.Document> <meta name=Generator content="Microsoft Word 10"> <meta name=Originator content="Microsoft Word 10"> <link rel=File-List href="FOOBAR%20on%20links_files/filelist.xml"> <link rel=Edit-Time-Data href="FOOBAR%20on%20links_files/editdata.mso"> <!--[if !mso]> <style> v\:* {behavior:url(#default#VML);} o\:* {behavior:url(#default#VML);} w\:* {behavior:url(#default#VML);} .shape {behavior:url(#default#VML);} </excerpt> Not what I think really came out of your CGI script. [snip] : sf.H02047 capacity: 189.1G space: 117.7G. [snip] : Is this more clearer? No. I still don't have more than the above sample of what an H string is. You also haven't shown source code that allows me to answer your need, and you have not restated the problem you are having. I am not going back into the thread to find out what your problem is. Let's go back to the beginning. 1 - Show me what is you are starting with. Use a large sample. Not just one input. Be that a file or a list or whatever. 2 - Show me the results you expect the script to display. 3 - Show me what you have got for code so for. Edit out any sensitive items like passwords and things. Don't send these back as anything but raw text files. Do not send Word documents. I'd like to help but you are giving much of the wrong information. Lean toward giving us too much information rather than too little. HTH, Charles K. Clarkson -- Mobile Homes Specialist 254 968-8328 -- To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] <http://learn.perl.org/> < http://learn.perl.org/first-response> ************************************************************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************************************************************** ok beginning it is...... I am starting with a view from a radio button that displays how much space is remaining in each pool labeled as fs_heartlab.1 and fs_heartlab.2. Under these headings are H strings and from each H string I am trying to set-up a link to push me to another page that displays a data set as such: sf.H02047 capacity: 189.1G space: 117.7G. The difficulty is that $_ is an entire block of data that includes more than just H strings and therefore I cannot link all of $_ which is why I placed just the H strings from $_ in an array. From this array, I was thinking of traversing through, running the command to get the capacity data. thx for the persistence! HERE IS $_ ******************** fs_heartlab.1 sort:path media: sg Volumes: H01192 H01193 H01195 H01196 H01197 Total space available: 111.3G fs_heartlab.2 sort:path media: sf Volumes: H02047 H02048 H02051 H02052 H02000 H02039 H02040 H02041 Total space available: 527.8G FUTURE RESULTS FROM THIS LINK..... OR Here is the "new" data set: **************************************************************** sg.H01192 capacity: 39.1G space: 31.4G -il-o-b----- sg.H01193 capacity: 20.0G space: 20.0G -il-o-b----- sg.H01195 capacity: 20.0G space: 20.0G -il-o-b----- sg.H01196 capacity: 20.0G space: 20.0G -il-o-b----- sg.H01197 capacity: 20.0G space: 20.0G -il-o-b----- ##### BEGIN CODE ##### use strict; use warnings; use CGI qw(:standard), (-unique_headers); use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser); use MIME::Lite (); our $flag=0; my $time = localtime; $ENV{"PATH"} = qq(/opt/SUNWsamfs/sbin:/usr/bin); delete @ENV{qw (IFS CDPATH BASH_ENV) }; $| =1; ##-- Turn off buffering --## ##-- BEGIN MAIN CGI ##--## my $q = new CGI; print $q->header, $q->start_html ('OhioHealth I.S. ASM server: stkv440'), # Header $q->h1 ({-style=>'Color:blue'},'OhioHealth ASM Intranet Page:'); # Body ##-- Print the 1st form --## print $q->hr; print $q->startform; print "<P><H3>Please Select a View Below for ASM Tape Pool Status or System Status. </P></H3>", $q->radio_group . . . viewhrtlab(); my @Harray=(); my $i=0; my ($H9840vols,$H9940vols) =0; #my $SF='sf.'; sub viewhrtlab { open (ARC, "archiver -v |") or error(); foreach (<ARC>) { print "<H3>"; if (/(?i)fs_heartlab\.1/ .. /(?i)fs_lanv1.1/) { s<fs_lanv1.1><>; $flag=1; if ($flag==1) { if (/(?i)total space available:/) { print "<p><b><font color=#0000CC><u>$_"; } else { #print "<p><A HREF=$_></p></b></font></u></A>"; print "<p></b></font></u>$_"; } if ( /(?i)h01/g ) { $H9840vols++; $Harray[$i++] = $_; } if ( /(?i)h02/g ) { $H9940vols++; } } } ##-- END FORLOOP ON LINE 565 --## print @Harray,"\n"; close (ARC) or warn "Was unable to close FH at line 593 $!"; (See attached file: FOOBAR on links II.txt)
FOOBAR on links II.txt
Description: Binary data
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