--- Bill Stephenson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> It was fun hacking CGI.pm for the first time, but my changes did not 
> make a difference. So then, I guess you're right, the script must
> wait 
> for the server to get the entire file before doing anything with it?
> I did not understand that before... 
> That's kind of sucky, I mean that you can't interrupt the request
> with 
> the script being called.

For a CGI request, you are right.  You cannot interrupt the request
that a user agent sends to the server.  This is because the server and
the CGI are completely separate parts which merely speak to one another
through a well-defined interface.  The server gets all of the
information from the user agent and *then* makes a request to the CGI
script (otherwise this email list would be flooded with folks trying to
figure out why they only read part of their upload).

In order to get around this, you'll want to look into mod_perl or some
other technology which allows Perl to have access to the full server
request cycle.


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