On Oct 2, 2005, at 7:54 PM, Rob Bryant wrote:

Anyway, this thread wasn't a complete waste. Now I remember why I
always start to use Perl but then abandon it-- great tool, crappy

Rob, that's just not true. Randal and Ovid made some valid points and both did so gracefully. They've also both helped me immensely in the last few weeks.

I'm reading Randal's "Learning Perl Objects..." and learning about CGI::Prototype and CGI::Application right now, and I just finished going though most of "Ovid's CGI Course". Honestly, I've spent the last few weeks following pointers they took the the time to provide and really, I don't know what I'd do without these guys.

Charles is right when he said, "I only get from any group what I add to it". I do what I can around here, but I readily admit that mostly I try to follow good advice.

Look at this issue from this perspective for just a moment... You announce to an official "Perl" mailing list a "Perl" related website and the guy that wrote the book on learning the subject says "If you add a prominent link to learn.perl.org, I will withdraw my complaint."

His only complaint... totally withdrawn, with an invitation to link to a site he recommends. Wow, I'd be honored. I'd be thrilled and motivated, and after dancing around the room, I'd add that link as fast as I could... and I'd try to keep following good advice.

Kindest Regards,

Bill Stephenson

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