--- Luinrandir <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Ok.. as asked for..the code.... and I hate to do this cause i'm gonna
> get
> told how everything i'm doing is wrong..
> from the way I lay out the code to the way I write code to the way I
> don't
> use every damn modual under the sun....

With all due respect, starting an email with what other's might view as
hostility is a rough way of asking for help.  Many of the folks here
are not just saying "change X to Y and it will work."  They're also
interested in helping people become better programmers.  I am very
passionate about Perl and I must confess that I want newer Perl
programmers to be better.  As more good Perl code is produced, it can
only help the reputation of the language and of Perl programmers in

I will say that there are numerous bugs in your code but since you have
made it clear you do not want more general assistance, I will honor
your request.

> But after 4 hours of not getting it to work I give up.

This is not a coincidence.

You may view this email as a flame, but I hope you don't.  It's not my
intention to offend.  If you ever want more general advice about making
your programs more robust, please don't hesitate to ask.


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