: I'd rather send the whole thing b/c I also would like a critique : as well. Here she is! First glaring item: you cannot nest subroutines. To perl, the following are equivalent. =========== print "blah"; if ( $which_radio_button eq 'All-Clients' ) { &viewall(); sub viewall { # do something; } } elsif ( $which_radio_button eq 'Backup-Tapes' ) { &viewbkups(); sub viewbkups { # do something else; } } =========== print "blah"; if ( $which_radio_button eq 'All-Clients' ) { viewall(); } elsif ( $which_radio_button eq 'Backup-Tapes' ) { viewbkups(); } sub viewall { # do something; } sub viewbkups { # do something else; } =========== So there's no advantage to placing the subs in line and taking them out makes your code more readable. HTH, Charles K. Clarkson -- Mobile Homes Specialist 254 968-8328 -- To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] <http://learn.perl.org/> <http://learn.perl.org/first-response>