
I want my users to download a csv file.  When they
left click on the link, it brings the file up within
the browswer.  They can of course do a right click and
"Save Target As" depending on the browser.

But I don't want to fuss with instructions and
confused users.  I would just like the same thing to
happen as a "Save Target As" on a left click.

So I made something up, but it isn't working.  I get
an internal server error from the browser.  When I run
it at a command prompt, it seems to work fine.

Here is the code:

print "content-type: multipart/mixed\n";
print "content-disposition: attachment;

open (FILE,
"<$ABS_PATH/httpdocs/SampleListingUpload.csv") or
                die "Unable to load the sample listing
template. Reason: $!";

my $text = join "", <FILE>;

close FILE;

print $text;

And here is the output from a prompt:

-bash-2.05b$ ./sample_listing.cgi 
content-type: multipart/mixed
content-disposition: attachment;
Keywords,Bid Amount,Title,Url,Description
home mortgage,0.10,ABC Home
Mortage,http://www.ABCHomeMortgage.com,Instant Quotes
tax attorney,0.75,ACME Tax
Attorneys,http://www.acmetaxattorneys.com,Let us
represent you

Does anyone know what I'm doing wrong?


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