--- Cristi Ocolisan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Does anybody know why this code does NOT copy the file into the
> specified directory?
> After the script is executed, my file is listed into the directory,
> but empty.
> Strange?

You indicate that this script used to work.  That suggests to me that
someone was doing maitenance that broke it.  Find out who and why :)

That being said, the problem appears to be in your while loop:
>     if ( length($sigla) > 0  ) { 
>         ( $file_name = $sigla ) =~ s/.*\\//;


>         while (my $chars_read = read($sigla, $buffer, 4096)) {
>             print OUT $buffer;
>             $size += $chars_read;
>             if ( $size > $max_size ) {                
>                 last;
>             }
>         }

The first argument to read() should be a filehandle, not a filename. 
>From "perldoc -f read":

    Attempts to read LENGTH characters of data into variable SCALAR
    from the specified FILEHANDLE.


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