I think that I have almost managed to get my first (proper) CGI script to execute as intended, but it seems I still have one last hurdle to jump. My Apache error.log provides me with the following single line: [Fri Jul 22 16:34:37 2005] [error] [client] Access is denied.\r, referer: http://localhost/~neville.hodder/tests_c/upload_g.cgi
After too much time Googling and re-reading my manuals, I have a few questions I hope someone can help me with: 1) Have I correctly Untainted my system() call and file permissions by my modification of the $ENV{'PATH'}? 2) Has my modification of the $ENV{'PATH'} been to restrictive and created a new "Access" problem? 2) Do I also need to enable one or all of "file/directory/execution" access somewhere within my Apache httpd.conf settings? Thanks for all and any advice NJH --------- #!c:/perl/bin/perl.exe -wT use strict; use diagnostics; use CGI; my $q = new CGI; print $q->header, $q->start_html(-title => "Nev's file Test", -bgcolor => "#EAEAAE"), $q->h2("File selection:"), $q->start_multipart_form, $q->p("Please choose a board file to analyse"), $q->filefield("pcb"), $q->submit, $q->end_form, $q->hr, "The board file you chose was: ", $q->param("pcb"); my $fh = $q->upload("pcb"); my $buffer = ""; use constant BUFFER_SIZE => 16_384; open (OUTPUT, "> ..\\output\\temp.brd"); binmode $fh; binmode OUTPUT; while (read ($fh, $buffer, BUFFER_SIZE)){ print OUTPUT $buffer; } close OUTPUT; $ENV{'PATH'} = ("\\\\Gb9\\cadence\\Cadence\\SPB_15.2\\tools\\pcb\\bin\\;\\\\gb9\\Cadenc e\\Cadence\\Extracta\\;..\\output\\;C:\\WINDOWS\\system32"); delete @ENV{'IFS', 'CDPATH', 'ENV', 'BASH_ENV'}; &dosomt(); print $q->end_html; sub dosomt{ my $pcb = "..\\output\\temp.brd"; my $prog = "\\\\Gb9\\cadence\\Cadence\\SPB_15.2\\tools\\pcb\\bin\\extracta.exe"; my $cmd = "\\\\gb9\\Cadence\\Cadence\\Extracta\\status_detail.cmd"; my $out = "..\\output\\extract_output.txt"; system($prog, $pcb, $cmd, $out); }