"Bob Showalter" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message 
> Asad wrote:
>> All:
>>     I need to write a script to delete 4 hours old files and
>>     directories on Windows. I am planning to use Perl to accomplish
>> this. I understand the "-M" would delete at least a day old files,
>> but is there a way to delete 4 hours old files and directories. Thank
>> you.
> The -M operator returns a floating point value, so you can compute 4 hours
> as:
>  $hours = (-M $somefile) * 24;
>  if ($hours > 4) {
>     ...file is more than 4 hours old
>  }
> You need to be careful using -M in a daemon because the age is base on the
> script start time and not the current time. If that's a concern, you can
> make -M use current time by doing this:
>  $hours = do { local $^T = time; (-M $somefile) * 24 };
> or you can use stat() insteamd of -M like this:
>  $hours = (time - (stat $somefile)[9]) / 3600;

Instead of running a service/daemon putting it in the scheduler would be 
easier. That way the time issue isn't one because it will be restarted each 
time it needs to do the cleanup.

I do this and it work nicely.


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