>>>>> "Nathaniel" == Nathaniel J Wert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Nathaniel> Actually, with the help of another person here we figured
Nathaniel> out what was wrong.  Apparently there is a problem with the
Nathaniel> sleep() function where it interferes with the open() of the
Nathaniel> file.

That can't be the case.  You have reached a false conclusion.

Nathaniel>   We have found three ways of fixing this.
Nathaniel> system(sleep 1); instead of sleep()

I don't think this would change it at all, unless for some reason Perl
is now flushing all buffers whenever a child process is forked.

Nathaniel>  or using fopen instead
Nathaniel> of open.  I welcome your comments and thanks for the help.

fopen() means you are creating an unbuffered filehandle, just like
my code said to do. :)

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