use strict;
use warnings;

Those two will save you a lot of nightmares with inconsistencies from a
development standpoint.

Apache won't cache the result of a script directory AFAIK.

If you're using IE for development, ditch it.  Use a browser with a web
development extension like mozilla or opera.  Then, after you get things
running, go back and test with IE.  IE likes caching.  IE knows caching
better than you do and REGARDLESS of how many different ways you attempt
to explain "clear the cache"  to IE (either through manually flushing
the cache, or with HTTP Headers) IE will use whatever caching mechanisms
it feels are appropriate.  Granted, there are ways to work with IE, but
I find it much easier to click the "clear cache" button on firefox and
click reload.  I waste less development time trying to get the browser
to show me a fresh page.

On Tue, May 03, 2005 at 09:52:45AM +0100, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> In trying to develop a simple perl CGI script, I have run into some kind 
> of caching problem which is making development an absolute nightmare.
> The script displays a form (using WWW::Form). On submition, it calls 
> itself. If all the fields have been filled out correctly then the user 
> gets redirected to an appropriate page. If the user has made errors the 
> the form will be displayed again with the error messages.
> The problem arises when I am using a subroutine. Whilst developing the 
> subroutine, I (obviously) make errors in the code! I try the script out in 
> the browser and get an error message, as you would expect. So then I 
> revert the code back to what it was when it was working... try it in the 
> browser again just to check, and I get an error message once again... 
> strange, I just reverted the code back to what it was when I knew it was 
> working.!
> Sometimes, if I click refresh several times, it may suddenly decide to 
> start working again. I can force it to work properly again by renaming the 
> subroutine! Another way I can force it to start working again is to 
> restart apache!
> When the code is in such a state that I know for a fact it should be 
> working, and the browser is giveing me an error... I can run the script 
> successfully from the command line!!!
> I also notice that if I fill out the form, purposefully making an error 
> (just to test it) I get the error message as you would expect. But then 
> when I correct the error and resubmit the form, I still get the error 
> message. Again, if I resubmit the form several times (sometimes as many as 
> 20 times) it will eventually send the form with the corrected data, and 
> the validation passes. And similarly, if I stop and start apache and then 
> resubmit the form the new data will be passed back and validation will 
> pass.
> I thought this must be to do with browser caching... As, on submission, 
> the browser seems to send the form back to the server with the old values 
> in it. But surely, even If the browser has cached the page, when I alter 
> the value in one of the input boxes it shouldn't send back the form with 
> the old data!!! Thats crazy.
> I have tried sending all sorts of headers to the browser to stop it 
> caching the page but nothing has made a difference. So perhaps the problem 
> is not in the browser, but in apache somewhere??
> anyone ever had this (or a similar) problem????!!
> -- 
> Tom David Kirkpatrick
> Virus Bulletin Web Developer, Virus Bulletin
> Tel: +44 1235 555139
> Web:
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Brad Lhotsky <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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