However, this likely has to do with privileges to execute your perl script. In the last couple of days, the beginners-cgi list has answered your question at least twice. Remember, the webserver (typically) runs a different user than you, so it may not have the rights to execute the script. Also, calling a perl program from a perl CGI script is probably NOT the best way to accomplish the task you are trying to accomplish. You should probably read up a bit on database access from CGI scripts and try an example or two.
On Apr 26, 2005, at 9:25 AM, Deepblues wrote:
I have a problem linking my cgi script to the perl function.
I have perl functions to perform manipulations to the database.
I am creating a web front end to it. I have a html form which accepts data from the user and calls the cgi script ( in perl)which processes this data , performs validation and passes the form data as parameters to a perl program. My cgi script seems to work fine as far as processinng goes. My perl program works too. But I am not able to call the perl program from the cgi script. I am tryin to test the main perl program by having lots of HTML output statements. but it doesn't appear on the webpage.
suppose my form values are stored in variables
$a = param('name')
$b = param('age')
Now I need to call a perl function wth $a, $b as parameters.
My $string = "perl $a $b"
This is wht I am using now. when I try eg: perl john 12 It works. And the variables are bnided properly in cgi script. I cheked to make sure. Can anyone suggest how i should proceed.
Thanks in advance
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