
I knew, this is no way related to CGI,
I just need some info, so posted my question here,  hoping that incase
someone has got any input, I can use that.

Anyway, thanks for your mail.


On 4/20/05, Chris Devers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Wed, 20 Apr 2005, Rajesh Raghammudi wrote:
> > Does anybody have any idea, I need to capture the desktop of a remote
> > user, as part of my project, I need a web-based application for this.
> Yes. VNC is the standard cross-platform software for viewing and
> controlling remote desktops on Windows, Linux, *nix, and OSX. Most
> versions of it can be run as a Java applet in a web browser, so while
> you need to install a VNC server on the remote computer you want to
> control, you only need a Java-capable browser on the controlling side.
> Search Google for VNC for more details.
> In what way is this a CGI question?
> --
> Chris Devers

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