> Dear Guys,
> I´ve been trying to develop an application that consists in about 8-10 
> scripts that should know about module variables (not OO yet). I read the 
> docs and found that I can use a module variable (declared with our) in 
> scripts that 'use' that module. Ok, there are:
>  module1.cgi   (declare and define var1)
>  main.cgi (declare and initialize var1)  "use module1"
>  script1.cgi (read and alter var1)       "use module1"
>  script2.cgi (gets var1 with undefined or previous value) "use module1"
> I tried with our, importing that var and fully qualified it, but always 
> it get the previous value. My question is: Which method is common to  
> share data among apps? What Am I doing wrong? Also, I always use 
> "strict" and "warnings".

Well, first -- I wouldn't name your modules *.cgi .... *.pm is what
everyone expects to see, and in absence of a Good Overriding Reason
you should follow the Principle of Least Astonishment.  Naming your
module "module" is also a terrible idea - unless you expect only to
have one ever in your life.  Give it a meaningful name.

That said:

The simplest way to create and use fully qualified variables from
another package is just to fully qualify them.

So, you've got some module Segrio's First Module:  


package SergioPrimo;

our ($foo, $bar, $baz); 



Now, down in your .cgi file, you can use those variables by their
names $SergioPrimo::foo $SergioPrimo::bar etc.

If you want not to have to fully qualify the variable name, you can
use Exporter ... something like 


package SergioPrimo;
use base 'Exporter'; 

our @EXPORT_OK = qw / $foo $bar $baz /;
our %EXPORT_TAGS = ( all => [EMAIL PROTECTED] ); 

our ($foo, $bar, $baz); 


Now you can say down in your CGI


use SergioPrimo (':all'); # import some variables

$foo = 123;  # sets $SergioPrimo::foo


NOW ... all that being said:  

It looks like your more serious problem is:  You're trying to store
state in Perl from different contexts, which is surely confusing you
no end.

If you're using just plain-old-CGI, then each and every time your web
server handles an inbound request, a brand new Perl interpreter is
instantiated, SergioPrimo::foo gets built fresh (as undef) and your
.cgi files may or may not set that variable and use them again later.

If you're using some persistent-perl-like product (e.g. FastCGI,
mod_perl) then you will find that SOMETIMES SergioPrimo::foo has the
last value it had, and sometimes it doesn't.

Perhaps you should take a step back and try to explain what you're
trying to do.

-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 
        Lawrence Statton - [EMAIL PROTECTED] s/aba/c/g
Computer  software  consists of  only  two  components: ones  and
zeros, in roughly equal proportions.   All that is required is to
sort them into the correct order.

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