Steven Schubiger <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

: On 28 Mar, T Raymond wrote:
: : print header,
: What is header supposed to act on?
: If it's the method declared in, which I'd assume,
: you need to create an object by saying my $q = new CGI and
: replace header with $q->header.

    The OP is using the function oriented version of
This is homework and perhaps his class hasn't gotten to
objects yet.

: :     die "cannot locate $filename\n";
: Replace with "die "$filename: $!\n";
: $! contains the exception message emitted by many functions
: on failure.

    Omit the "\n", it suppresses important information. I
prefer this idiom. The quotes around the filename have saved
me hours. :)

open FH, $file or die qq(Cannot open "$file": $!);


Charles K. Clarkson
Mobile Homes Specialist
254 968-8328

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