Hi Thomas,

Thomas Bätzler wrote on 07.03.2005:

>>I need to translate a URL with a POST query string into a URL like
>>http://mysite.com/pages?id=1234 should become
>RewriteRule  ^/pages/([^/]+)/?$        /pages?id=$1 [QSA,NS,L]
>Or even easier, leave your URL like that and parse the PATH_INFO
>variable for your id.

Thanks. I already have this rule in place somewhere else, but I need to have 
something which works the other way around.

The rule you proposed (which I already use) does this:

http://mysite.com/pages/1234 -> http://mysite.com/pages?id=1234

But I need some rule to do this:

http://mysite.com/pages?id=1234 -> http://mysite.com/pages/1234

And since mod_rewrite does not parse the query string, I have a problem here.

The background is the following: I have a dynamic site, for which I can do this:

http://mysite.com/pages?id=1234 -> http://mysite.com/cgi-bin/show.pl?id=1234

using a rule similar to the one you proposed.

But I need to create a static version of the site (for distribution on CD), 
which should work without Perl scripts involved. So I cannot do

http://mysite.com/pages?id=1234 -> http://mysite.com/cgi-bin/redirect.pl?id=1234

and have redirect.pl redirect to the /html/1234.html file. This needs to be 
done by Apache.


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