--- Tyson Sommer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Is there any way to squeeze the following into one line? (assume
> using
> CGI.pm and that my $q = new CGI;):
>       $device = $q->param( "device_name" );
>       $device = $ARGV[0] if ! $device;
>       $device = "default_device" if ! $device;

  my $device = $q->param("device_name") || $ARGV[0] ||

However, be forewarned that any "false" value will trigger that, so in
the unlikely event that 0 (zero) is a valid device name, this is a bug.
 When 5.10 finally arrives (and I believe this is available in 5.9),
you'll be able to do this:
  my $device = $q->param("device_name") // $ARGV[0] //

That tests whether or not the value is defined and is frequently more

> Or better yet, how about squeezing this into one line:
>       $device = $q->param( "device_name" );
>       $device = $ARGV[0] if ! $device;
>       chomp ( $device = <STDIN> ) if ! $device;

That would be tougher, but I wouldn't squeeze all of that onto one line
because after a bit, readability suffers.  Also, if you have a CGI
script, just what are you expecting to read from <STDIN> in that third
line? :)


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