
my database is organized such that every page has a hierarchical superior page 
("mother"). When displaying a page, a little drop-down menu should be displayed 
with all the mother, grandmothers etc. until the loop hits a page of the root 
type (and unless the page itself is a root page).

I currently generate the menu like this:

sub pathmenu {
    my ($mutterid, $page_type) = @_;
    my ($muttertype) = $dbh->selectrow_array("SELECT page_type FROM pages WHERE 
page_id = $mutterid");
    my $mutterpfad;
    return $mutterpfad if $page_type == 2 || $muttertype == 2;
    $mutterpfad = qq{<div class="pathmenu"><form action="/cgi-bin/show.pl" 
method="post" enctype="application/x-www-form-urlencoded" 
accept-charset="utf-8"><select  name="id" onchange="submit()"><option 
value="$page_hash->{mother_id}">Pfad</option>} unless $page_hash->{mother_id} 
== 1;
    while ($mutterid) {
        my ($mother_title, $uebermutter, $muttertype) = 
$dbh->selectrow_array("SELECT title, mother_id, page_type FROM pages WHERE 
page_id = $mutterid");
        last if $muttertype == 2;
        $mutterpfad .= qq{<option value="$mutterid">$mother_title</option> };
        $mutterid = $uebermutter;
    $mutterpfad .= qq{</select> <input type="submit" name="Up" value="Up!" 
    return $mutterpfad;

Is there a better way to do this? There certainly is, and I am grateful for 


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