Why use Perl out to PHP ???

> How about this:
> 1) first page is php  with action to a perl page
> 2) page is a perl page that process the info and redirects to a the first
> page
> 3) back to first page but here you check the referrer and if it is a perl
> page then
>     display your data other wise is just the first time the php page gets
> called.
> Nestor :-)
> -----Original Message-----
> From: "Ing. Branislav Gerzo" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Feb 4, 2005 6:23 AM
> To: beginners-cgi@perl.org
> Subject: Re: Perl out to PHP
> Paul Archer [PA], on Friday, February 4, 2005 at 08:14 (-0600 (CST))
> thinks about:
>>> I think he means that he wants his perl to generate HTML containing
>>> PHP.
> PA> Understood. My point was more along the lines of: "What do you really
> want
> PA> to do, and why don't you state that clearly, instead of making us
> PA> mind-read?"
> ok, sorry then. We have website done with PHP, it did my brother. But
> I'm more into perl, so I did some scripts. Website is about checking
> IPs (if it is up, and so on), so I wrote script for that. Ok, now my
> problem:
> user come to website, write in textbox some IPs, I want send this
> input to my perl script (parse that text, takes IPs, do operation with
> them -
> insert them to database, check them...), and send results via _PHP_ to
> user.
> Thanks to all for replies!
> --
>  ...m8s, cu l8r, Brano.
> ["Bother!" said Pooh, as Piglet sacrificed him to the dark gods.]
> --
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