On Mon, Jan 03, 2005 at 04:06:42PM -0600, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Hi, I have a working DBI::Oracle script that I am now trying to get
> CGI.pm to HTML-ize the output of, My problem is in the table statement
> how can I get the output of the while statement to be in the table? I
> have just about beat myself silly trying to figure this out.

You must open the table tag with start_table(). It's in the docs, albeit
a bit obscured by the amount of info.

print h1("Results"),
    start_table({-border=>'1', -width=>'20%'}),
    Tr({-align=>'LEFT', -VALIGN=>'TOP'},
        th({-width=>'30%', -bgcolor=>'#CCCCCC'}, "AU"),
        th({-bgcolor=>'#AAAAAA', -fontcolor=>'#FFFFFF'}, "Certs"),
    while (@row = $sth->fetchrow_array()) {
        print Tr( td( [EMAIL PROTECTED] ));
print end_table();

Off the top of my head ... that should do it.

 Shaun Fryer
 ph: 416-544-9461

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