Hi, I'm russian perl programmer and I have a problem:
There is the part of Perl code: # Remark: Cyrillic alphabet is used in the rest of code # Remark: in the variable $query first letter of first word is uppercased, but in the # array @keyw_array this letter is lowercased. [code] $query = "Красивый дом на Реке"; @keyw_array = qw(красивый реке); [/code] It is necessary to mark up in the $query all the words that array @keyw_array contains by bold style. Then I write next instructions: [code] $query =~ s/($_)/<strong>$1<\/strong>/i for @keyw_array; print $query; # prints Красивый дом на Реке [/code] But on the server side the substitutions doesn't work properly (no change in the $query) although I specially used key 'i' in regex (s///i). Locally using pragma 'use locale' resolves the problem, i.e.: [code] use locale; $query =~ s/($_)/<strong>$1<\/strong>/i for @keyw_array; print $query; # prints <strong>Красивый</strong> дом на <strong>Реке</strong> [/code] As you may see the substitutions have done properly. But when I try this on the server side I have no substitutions again. What is the matter? Is somebody able to point me the right way? Thanks. AZtpa,