
   This is a CGI::Application design question. It concerns side-
   stepping normal run modes at any point within the application
   to display an error screen.

   I have created a 'base' module whose job it is to

   a. Setup a connection to a database
   b. Initialize session
   c. Bring the user to an index screen.

   I have put (a) and (b) in the cgiapp_init method as I intend to 
   extend this class in the future.

   My code inside cgiapp_init looks as below

sub cgiapp_init {

    my $self = shift;

    #Create a database connection

    #Create a new session


  'initialize_database' is a subroutine which is as follows

sub initialize_database {

    open(DB_CONNECTION_FILE, '/export/home/r/rangask/software/cgi-  
      bin/SoftwareDistribution/common/daase_connection_params.txt') ||
    my ($hostname, $database, $user, $password) =


  I wish to display an error screen if something goes wrong with
opening of the file. Thats done by 'display_error_page' subroutine.

sub display_error_page {

    #my $self = shift;
    print "in here";
    my $msg_string = shift;

    #Load the error template page
    # my $tmpl_error_page = $self->load_tmpl('error_page.tmpl',
    #                                        die_on_bad_params => 0,
    #                                        cache => 1
    #                                      );

    my $tmpl_error_page = HTML::Template->new(filename =>
    $tmpl_error_page->param(error_message => $msg_string);

    print "after the template";


   Finally, my setup method is as follows

sub setup {

     my $self = shift;

     #Note that no tmpl_path is being used here. We will give that
while calling this module

              'display_entry_screen' => 'display_entry_screen',
                          'AUTOLOAD' => \&deal_with_undefined_run_mode

   As you can see, I am calling the 'display_error_page' subroutine
from within the 'initialize_database' subroutine. So before I display
   any page, if the file-open fails, I want to display an error page. 

   PROBLEM: I get to the error subroutine (I should because the DB
parameter filename given is wrong and I tested this fact by giving some

   print statements and observing the command line output) but am
automatically redirected to the main page through the 
   'display_entry_screen' subroutine (details of that sub not shown

   How do I make it stay on the error page?

   I could possibly define the 'display_error_page' as a run mode and
use the cgiapp_prerun and the mode_prerun methods to go to it
   but this 'display_error_page' is a common method I want to call from
my 'child' modules and I feel defining it as an additional run mode
   will prove restrictive. 

   I guess my question could also be rephrased as:

   Is there a way of breaking the run-mode path of a CGI::Application
to throw an error page?

   Any help is appreciated. Thanks for your patience in reading this
long post.


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