I have to send this from my hotmail account, I apologize in advance if it's completely unreadable;)
I am using CGI::Session, storing the session data in mysql. I am able to store the appropriate values into the id and a_session columns. However, I am also trying to store store group information in the session record. There doesn't seem to be much to it, but obviously I'm missing something. The column I created is called group_list and it is text. I thought I only needed a single line of code to accomplish this: $session->param("group_list", $groups). But it isn't working. Any help is appreciated.
... if (param('login')) { $params{username} = UnTaint_Credentials($params{username}); $params{password} = UnTaint_Credentials($params{password}); my $ldap = Net::LDAP->new ("$domain_controller" ) or die "$@"; my $mesg = $ldap->bind ("$app_account", password => "$password", version => 3 ); my $result = $ldap->search( base => "DC=corp,DC=workplace,DC=com", filter => "CN=$params{username}", attrs => [ "distinguishedName", "memberOf" ], scope => "sub", sizelimit => 5); if ($result->count > 1) { $err = "LDAP search on supplied username returned multiple entries."; print_html(); } my $dn = $result->entry(0)->dn(); my $groups = $result->entry(0)->get_value("memberOf"); $result = $ldap->bind ("$dn", password => "$params{password}", version => 3 ) or die "I am dead"; if ($result->code == 0) { ## bind successful, create session and store group info ## remember, authorization based on group membership handled by app my $session = new CGI::Session("driver:MySQL", undef, {Handle=>$dbh}); $session->expire('+1h'); $session->param("group_list", $groups); $cookie = $q->cookie(CGISESSID => $session->id); $cookie->secure('1'); } else { ## bind failed $err .= "Authentication Failed. Please try again."; } }
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