On Nov 4, 2004, at 10:03 PM, Luinrandir Hernsen wrote:

Ok.. now how do I get the screen size info to a hidden input (in a form) or
send back to a cgi ?

I'm guessing as a hiiden input with in a form or as part of the link
command, which calls the game.cgi?W=Wvar&H=Hvar

"<p>" +
"<A HREF='game.cgi?W= " + screensize . width + "$H=" screensize . height
"'>click here</A>"+

yes ?yes? did I do it.. I really don't know JS : (
just guessing...

BTW .. thanks for your help!

----- Original Message -----
From: "Chasecreek Systemhouse" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Luinrandir Hernsen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>;
Sent: Thursday, November 04, 2004 8:27 PM
Subject: Re: screen size...

On Thu, 4 Nov 2004 10:48:12 -0500, Luinrandir Hernsen
It there a way to get the screen size info using perl?

As a CGI, not really. Try:

<blockquote><table border=3 bgcolor=#000000><tr><td>
toolkit = java . awt . Toolkit . getDefaultToolkit ();
screensize = toolkit . getScreenSize ();
document . writeln
"<p>" +
"You screen is " + screensize . width + " pixels wide." +
document . writeln
"<p>" +
"You screen is " + screensize . height + " pixels tall." +

If you have a form that has a hidden field and you can rely on javascript, you can set the values of hidden fields in the form by something like:

<form name="anotherName">
<input type=hidden name="hiddenName" value="initial">

<script language="JavaScript"><!--
document.anotherName.hiddenName.value = 'hello world';

I found this on:

Hope this does what you want.


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